Hi! I'm Una Walkenhorst, an artist currently based in Denver, Colorado. I create art to help me navigate life, including struggles with agoraphobia, PTSD, and my journey as a late-diagnosed Autistic.

Along with singing, songwriting, and other forms of artistic expression, I'm passionate about finding ways to connect with and advocate for my community using art and music. This includes organizing benefit concerts for organizations like The Greenline Initiative and MOCSA (Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault), and working alongside Johnson County Mental Health in Kansas on community outreach projects.


Patreon helps creators connect with their audiences directly. Creating reliable income as a small independent artist is becoming harder and harder, while the cost of living is skyrocketing. Your patronage gives artists the freedom to make the art you love, knowing that their community of supporters is behind them. If 50 patrons each pledge just $5/month, that's $250 of real income that your favorite creator can rely on being deposited into their bank account every month.


The last 6 months or so, I've tried to run away and disappear. My mental health has been so terrible and the resources around me so inaccessible that it's been all I can do to not just give up. Creating art has felt futile and lonely and trying to "push through it" has only made me feel ashamed, worthless, scared, and exhausted. With no output, what's the point of anything? With no work and no income, what's my worth?

But, I'm back asking you to support me anyway. At the moment, I can't promise you a nicely recorded song every month. I can't even promise that tomorrow when I go to figure out what to eat for lunch, I won't be totally disabled by a panic attack and pass out for the rest of the day. But I do know that I really need your help right now - as an artist and as a person.

I can't create the music that I love if my most basic needs aren't met. I can't be a part of my community and help support others if I'm not well enough to even leave my house. Right now, I need your help staying alive while I find the care that I need. Navigating the systems in place is crushing and dehumanizing and I - like so many other people in our country trying to get the assistance they need to live - am working the absolute hardest I can.

If you're able, please help support me while I find trauma- and Autism-informed healthcare professionals to help improve my agoraphobia and PTSD symptoms, check and adjust my anxiety, depression, and sleep medications, and assess and diagnose my progressive chronic pain symptoms. These changes, along with finding Autism and ADHD supports, are the things I crucially need to start thriving again.

I want to put out new songs for you. I want to play a show again. But first, I need to get better.


Join to help an independent creator. Join to support an Autistic artist. Join because you want updates on my journey. Join because you want to be the first to hear new music I make. Join to help me survive. Join to help me thrive. Join because you know I can do this. Join because it really, truly helps.